The Nobel prize winner Steven Weinberg expressed (among other innumerable, for science more important, discoveries) two intuitive presumptions, on which basis I‘m trying to present my theory of “expanding circles of comprehension” about the Universe. About images of always changing »State of the World« and » State of the Universe«, and consequentially of foreboding of the Creation.
The first presumption is about exploring of the universe and about the idea of dr. Steven Weinberg stating that endeavor to comprehend the Universe is one among the rare things which can elevate human life and give it some of the tragic pathos.
His second intuitive presumption is possibility that entire, to us visible universe, from the moment of nuclear synthesis on, is nothing but homogenous, isotropic mass, incorporated in some bigger inhomogeneous, anisotropic Universe.
I will apply these two intuitive assumptions of the great physicist for my own artistic and general contemplation about the human fate, always trapped in circular limits of ultimate image of “The State of the World« and »The State of the Universe« respectively, and for contemplation about the creation, which is getting, in notions of the greatest scientific minds, its first outlines and anticipations.
If we want to accept the fact that science is rationally closest to the truth of »The State of the World« and »The State of the Universe« respectively, we have to consider this option very seriously. This is not only generalized thinking, but also my first duty, directed to myself as one of possible options of the truth. For I’m convinced in essential interrelation of four paths to the truth, I will try to think thoroughly this first and the most perspective vision. Because the present scientific image of the Universe doesn’t allow existence of equal spiritual Universe. Cosmic balance, touch of The Creation, they don’t exist.
Thinking about The Creation, there is nothing wrong, that scientists see the Universe the same way, they explain it to us. Spirituality and material world are doomed to the complete annihilation in such vision of the Universe. Gods, more exactly, the faith in the Gods, is supposed to have fulfilled its mission in evolution of humankind already. It’s turn on the reason now.
But notions and evidences about The Creation predict completely new picture about notions about faith, art and love, and also science. We are on the edge of THE GREAT TURNABOUT in comprehension of THE CREATION. And consequences related to this.
The Creation is tremendous challenge and turning point in man’s spiritual life. Famous brainchild of Einstein, about faith being blind without science, end science being lame without faith, means in this context, that science follows only its own truth. Science has framed The Creation in closed circles, frequently accepted also by the church. Especially, because the clergy has been sometimes seek the ultimate truth of the faith, trough the science too.
Einstein’s search for symmetry and order of the universe created by God’s spark in our Universe is not an idea, which would search or confirm anything in relation to the God’s symmetry and infallibility, anymore. Maybe the things are quite opposite. »Cosmic dualism« and consequent unpredictability are the engine and origin of most of the happenings in our Universe.
The Creation cannot be understood only by the reason. The priority of the faith is to coordinate »The Picture of State of the World” and “The Picture of the State of the Universe, which means to coordinate reality and the Creation. Christianity is the only faith creating such path.
Daily reality about the »The State of the World«, according to the most recent notions, written and told by some of the most eminent contemporary physicists and astronomers, especially the scientists inclined to nichilophilia, leads to the end of Everything, one way or another. Therefore, it will be necessary, without speculations or sentiment, to reason about Galilee round (our Universe), if it is actually the last and the ultimate, and to pose reasonable doubt about such reasoning, about current anticipations. Gentleman of astronomy sir James Jeans was aware of consequences of generalization of scientific discoveries. In his book »The Universe Around Us«, he stated that the astronomy carries a message about responsibility and hope for mankind and for individual.
But the hope still exists. In the last years immense changes in perception of the Creation are on the way, among leading scientists, too.
Science and technology have changed the image of the civilization based on Christianity entirely. Ideologies of XXth century intended to replace religions partly on the basis of scientific explanations of the universe. But they didn’t succeed to fulfill spiritual field and civilization created on this planet by religions. I’m talking about different kinds of totalitarianism and other ”New ways« in the comprehension of the world and the Universe, slowly vanishing into horrible memory and out of human consciousness.
Spiritual world can’t be replaced by »common sense«; religions, art and love especially not.
Many astrophysics reason beyond contemporary picture of the »State of the Universe«, Universe which, by the latest estimations, is approximately 13,7 billions years old, expanding to infinity. They are concerned basically with two possibilities: First: spreading (tearing apart) of the Universe to nothing and its end. Second: its compressing to a singular point, containing immense, unimaginable energy. These views are predominant.
Dr. Steven Weinberg was among the first to pose a serious claim, that our Universe can possibly be only a small isotropic mass in much bigger anisotropic Universe. But his picture of our Universe is petrified in concept of dispersal or shrinking of the same Universe. Such reasoning and recent scientific theories have influenced entirely different comprehension of meaning, faith, creating etc. in such Universe.
If there exists any other majestic formation (let’s say an archipelago of Universes) in The Creation, no matter how distant it might be, that means that the so called space is possible. Such immense Cosmic formations, floating in Primeval nothing, unrespectable of their remoteness and temporal determination, could in the Creation in certain moment, influence discreetly to growth and expansion (shaping) of certain other, but mighty, creation, and create a new space. Time and remoteness are not important there. But all that space would exist as particle of the Big Primeval Nothing, which represents real INFINITY.
The Universes and other Creations may meet and unite into something entirely new. Dispersed Universe reminds of the gas in which the stars are being born, when appearing in mature environment.
There is no empty space or nothing in our space. Space (even if it seems to be empty) is interwoven with radiation of elementary particles, rays or light and anything else.
Therefore, by my opinion, there is an alternative to the conception of space I’ve mentioned first.
The latest discoveries hint towards possible discrete contact between our Universe and some other cosmic Creation. Bunches consisting of thousands of galaxies on the edge of our Universe speed towards certain point at the margins of the Universe. Some researchers are certain that our Universe is influenced by some another force or Creation.
Some skeptics are convinced this is residue of the Big bang. But I’m satisfied all these discoveries are happening in my lifetime, because I’ve always tried to hint to such a possibility, having believed to be proved in remote future.
Primeval Nothing could be the stage of creation of new islands of spaces, lonely Universes and other cosmic possibilities. PRIMEVAL BIG NOTHING is by the logic of nothing the impenetrable phenomena, that can’t be penetrated by anything, not even by energetic jets (deriving from black holes maybe) nor the light. All that exists in our Universe is part of it; together with time, space, light, matter (antimatter), energy (dark energy, ant energy) and also all possible spirituality. Discreet touch of the Universe’s creations makes possibility of creation of certain larger space of the Creation in the Primeval Big Nothing. The Creation is maybe oriented towards such image: towards creation of spaces.
There is no need for a new space for annihilation of our Universe. All the process is trapped in a round; from singularity to magnificent, almost unimaginable expanding. The Universe is expanding into the Primeval Big Nothing in which it can also be shrunk into horrible and magnificent energy without space and time; into singular point. But it can also get expanded, if it touches some other isotropic expansion of matter, to such a degree to become the “Great Shrank up” or even completely new formation.
The PRIMEVAL BIG NOTHIG is supposed to be infinity and eternity alone by itself. Using a little imagination, we can imagine it as a majestic INFINITE stage of the CREATION. “All that was, all that is and all that will be” as our great poet dr. France Prešeren wrote about the Creation in the first half of the 19th century.
But it is possible that the PRIMEVAL BIG NOTHING contains energy, energy of the Primeval Big Nothing and maybe even a paradox phenomenon ant energy of primeval big nothing , which, in contact in immense dimensions of the PRIMEVAL BIG NOTHING, in certain period, can shrink to energetic points and latter to the source of energy similar to the “Cosmic Egg”. At INFINITE stage of the PRIMEVAL BIG NOTHING many such events with different final shape and occurrence respectably, and even containing separate laws of physics, are possible. Shape of such idea can be found in the theory of Veneziano and Gasperini, where the state before the Big Bang is imagined on quite different way generally accepted. Their scenario of the Big Bang varies greatly from the common assumption by which the Big Bang is set just at the beginning of the Creation. Their assumption is that the Universe at the beginning wasn’t hot and tidily rolled into a scrap, but on the contrary it was cold and infinite. The theory of the strings with its equations hint, that instability, which dispersed points in the Universe, occurred suddenly. As a consequence the Universe is supposed to bend more and more, temperature and energy would rapidly grow. After a certain time, certain area would be created, where conditions for the Big Bang would occur.
Such picture doesn’t need Fiat or transcendental explanations of the Big Bang at ay cost. By such presentation of the Creation nobody is bounded, not those convinced in God’s Creation and also not those who are keen of the statements and theories advocated by strictly rational spirit of science.
In the Primeval Big Nothing time, as we comprehend it in our Universe, doesn’t exist. Time comes into being only then when exactly defined conditions are fulfilled.
At current stage of our civilization, we have knowledge of more possible methods of communication, that don’t need speed of light for communicate or comprehend. One of them is thought, with capability to reach anything in the Creation in a moment; the other are telepathy or vision; possibly some more possibilities exist, for example vision with help of super technology etc.
The theory of Universe torn apart is sound only in the case if there doesn’t exist anything else in the Creation apart from our Universe. Origin of such assumption is in, by now not entirely explicated, dark energy, (vacuum energy) or mysterious dark matter.
Although, the sir Fred Hoyle theory of “Steady State” remains remarkable historical phenomenon, we should reconsider his idea about continuously created matter (energy) in vastness of the Universe. This theory is well known, therefore there is no need for it’s explanation on this spot. This idea might be replaced by dark matter and dark energy. With combining of the theories of the Big Bang and Steady State a new explanation about expanding of the Universe could be made; and about spontaneous creation of creation of energy and matter in vastness of the Primeval Big Nothing too.
Such theory should be properly studied to pose, beside scientific round of universal annihilation, a possibility and hope that one half of human brain, at the beginning of XXIth century, is not able to realize entirely the truth about being and existence of “All existent”; for all millennia of human future and also the past. Dr. Carl Sagan was convinced that, if we estimated recent speed of the technology, the future civilization after million years would be more advanced then ours to the similar degree as we are more advanced then prosimian lemurs.
Absence of the Creation presents a problem, that all totalitarians have been proving their “universal truth” with terror and fear. There is no need for modern technology to do this; Huxley’s alphas create a new civilization. The bottom of human comprehension of spiritual and open cosmic being. Show business (controlled by politics and mafia), consumer society los of intergenerational solidarity together with loss of connections in the family, is logic consequence of such relation to humanity and Creation. If physicists and astronomers are at the top, regarding insight into the truth, they should be the last to create such state, which has contaminated the large part of the planet. Special problem is demographic explosion of world population, real cause of immense changes on the Planet.
Some kind of a balance should be created to stop that tsunami against spiritual part of the world. Science is responsible for that conception about the “State of the Universe” at the predominant part of humanity. I’m afraid the theorists consciously spread their cataclysmic view to all occurrences in the Universe. Their convictions trespass another topmost spheres of human practice or paths towards the truth. With their popular “philosophical or artist commentaries” together with authority they belong to a new wave of designers of the “New man”.
Talking of the predictions about the fate of the earth, sun or the Universe, we can immediately realize that there is a rare scientist that wouldn’t warn against the tragic end, and of “All that Exist”. From dispersed sun, burnt earth, asteroids and comets, gamma rays etc, to the collapse and the torn apart Universe. These signs of cataclysm are accepted consciously or subconsciously by the great majority of world’s population. Substantial part of art and reasoning together with life is contaminated with that notion. Regarding the first intuition of dr. Steven Weinberg the question can be posed: Are we going to halt at new Aristotelian picture of the State of the “World and Universe”. Nobody is willing to guess or predict the achievements of the science in the next millennia. How will picture of the “State of the World” and the ”Creation” look then? Or in the next billion years? Everyone wishes to be the first and the last to unveil genuine truth of our Universe: “All we think, live, hope or believe, will disappear in nothing.
Human fate and his way is waving. From rational towards spiritual. Synthesis between them is the only way promising anticipation of the truth.
Such way was indirectly predicted by The Great Magus ob astronomy Steven Hawking by his idea about Multiple Universes existing in their shells. Word of such authority should be sufficient for posing serious questions about the Creation and transcendence. It also predicts great epoch of astronomy in the future. Galilee-Hawking foundation has been built.
Such Creation cannot be presented as Mappa Mundi. Many touch it by faith, love, art or science. This is essence of the path to the truth: Touch wit the Creation and reality. Infinite creation is also opened to all directions posing a challenge and criteria in creating, thought, it firmly supports believers and shows the way to the scholars.
In the “Infinite Creation” imagined that way the God is so almighty that here is not possible about him to pose any questions, doubts, or even disillusions and hate. God revealed in our Universe, on Earth at least, small part of his Creation by sending his Son among people.
I would like to warn against great contamination and overlaying of four paths to truth in contemporary world. Love, faith, art and science are magnificent qualities of humanity, therefore will and patience are needed by search of meaning and by creating of climate for a man to become cosmic being who would transcend lack of personal responsibility and impoverishment of his own essence, that means qualities which are predominant in the “new man” of technology and also science.
In field of art and science touch of reality, “Picture of the State of the world and Universe” means basic definition about their real nature.
Real art contains slight inspiration of eternity. But the one dealing exclusively with reality has not much chance to survive; it’s almost identical to show business. Border between them has almost vanished.
Love is love for nothing. It’s deeply distinguished from humiliating of love to sexual service.
God is love and true human love is not far from it.
Ljubljana 2. II.2010